HC Deb 26 February 1920 vol 125 cc1923-4W

asked the Minister of Labour why the application for a grant to commence business of Private John Fleming, 2, Douglas Street, Wigan, who has been trained at the public expense, has been refused by the Military Service, Civil Liabilities Department, the Wigan War Pensions Committee having carefully considered the prospects of this man, who cannot obtain employment, and strongly recommended that a grant should be made to this man to start him in business on his own account, as his physical condition prevents him securing employment from an employer?


I am having inquiry made into this case and will communicate the result to the hon. Member at the earliest possible moment.


asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that Private Brooker, No. 32,501, 1st Hants Regiment, of 386, Southampton Road, Eastleigh, who was discharged from the Army on the 19th March, 1918, applied for a grant from the Civil Liabilities Commissioners to enable him to set up business as a tinsmith, having completed a course of training under the Minister of Labour; whether his application was refused on the grounds that it was out of date; and whether, in view of the fact that this man was in hospital for a long period after discharge and then underwent a year's training in tin-smithing, he will have inquiries made into this case with a view to its being reconsidered?


I am aware of the circumstances mentioned in the question. Sanction has now been obtained for extending the time-limit in the cases of disabled men who have been prevented by undergoing treatment for their disability from applying within the prescribed period. The case of Private Brooker will accordingly be re-opened with a view to ascertaining whether it may be included among the permissible exceptions to the regulations applicable to men who have already received a course of training for employment.