HC Deb 23 February 1920 vol 125 c1334W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Munitions whether he is aware that the grant to the Cheshunt Urban District Council of £1,408 for extraordinary military damage to Eleanor Cross Road was. reduced to £935; and whether he will state the reason for this reduction in the grant?


The statement that "the grant" to the Cheshunt Urban District Council was reduced is incorrect. A claim of £1,408 was made in respect of extraordinary road damage due to Ministry of Munitions traffic. This claim represented the difference between the actual cost of upkeep and average cost of upkeep in an earlier period, with an allowance for increased expense due to increased cost of materials and labour. It was considered that insufficient allowance had been made in the Council's estimate for the increased cost of normal upkeep of the roads, and that a contribution of £935 from the Ministry represented an adequate grant for the Ministry traffic. Anex gratia payment was made accordingly, no legal liability being admitted

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