HC Deb 23 February 1920 vol 125 c1326W

asked the Minister of Health what is the number of owners of house property in Great Britain; what is the amount of capital invested in this form of property and what is the gross and the net average percentage earned by it; and whether, in view of the fact that the owners of house property have, like other persons, to meet the increased cost of living due to the War and, in addition, greatly augmented charges for keeping their property in repair, he can give any assurance that further redress will be granted to owners of house property, now placed under disadvantages not shared by other investors and, in the case of the smaller owners, exposed to severe hardships on the scale and according to the principle accepted in conceding increased wages to workers in leading industries to enable them to meet the enhanced cost of living?


I regret that the statistical information asked for in the first part of my right hon. Friend's question is not available. I have no doubt that the considerations to which he refers will receive the, attention of the Committee which has been set up to examine the operation of the Rent Restriction Acts.

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