HC Deb 23 February 1920 vol 125 c1318W

asked the Secretary of State for India what were the number of casualties incurred about Fort Sandeman in the operations during the present year; and what were the reasons why such small bodies of troops were sent up in relief so as to expose them to the risk of being overwhelmed on the way?


I am afraid I cannot give the total casualties about Fort Sandeman during the whole of the operations without references to India, as the exact locality of casualties, especially in the case of Indian ranks, is not always reported to this country. The hon. Member is no doubt referring to two attacks made on convoys of supplies pro ceeding to Fort Sandeman, on the 7th June and on the 14th–17th July last. The total casualties reported in these two attacks were:

British officers killed 4
Indian ranks killed 89
Indian ranks wounded 61

The strength of the escorts sent with convoys would be determined by the officer commanding in the locality.