HC Deb 19 February 1920 vol 125 c1056W

asked the Pensions Minister whether the work at the Pensions Issue Office is in arrears, involving considerable delay in issuing pensions awarded in the various regions; and whether, having regard to the great advantages which would attend the decentralisation of the pension issue branch on lines similar to those adopted in other departments of war pensions administration within recent times, he will consider the advisability of taking this step without delay so that the pensions could be fixed in the various regions as they now are and issued at the same time?


Owing to the heavy work-of re-assessing upwards of 1,000,000 pensions, consequent on the increased rates of pension authorised by the recent Warrant, the work at Pensions Issue Office fell into arrear. The arrears are being rapidly overtaken, and it is expected that the work of this office will soon be up to date. The question of decentralising the Pensions Issue Office has not escaped attention, but I do not consider that it would be a practicable step at the present moment.