HC Deb 18 February 1920 vol 125 c917W

asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that recently a subscription list was organised among the outdoor staff of the Insurance Department of the Ministry in order to make a present to the Chief Inspector on the occasion of his marriage; that the appeal for contributions was signed and circulated by persons in many cases superior in rank to those to whom the appeal was made, and that many officers gave contributions because of a fear that it would be detrimental to their positions to refuse; whether this collection received his sanction; and whether he will take any steps to prevent similar appeals being made in the future?


No, Sir; neither I nor any of the heads of Departments have had any cognisance of the matter, which was a purely private affair amongst the outdoor staff as private individuals, none of whom, I am sure, can have felt any such qualms as the Question suggests. There was absolutely no foundation for any, and no such idea as penalisation could occur to anyone who knows the official chiefly concerned.