HC Deb 06 December 1920 vol 135 cc1748-9W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Munitions what is the present position of the oil borings in Derbyshire; whether oil has flowed naturally and regularly at Hardstoft for many months; whether the oil obtained has been stored; whether any thing has been arranged for the refining of this oil and for using it for commercial purposes; why no effort has been made to increase the supply by pumping; whether the Government have decided to nationalise the oil industry or whether they propose to lease the rights; if the latter, what terms are proposed; and with whom are the Government negotiating?


Of the seven Derbyshire wells one has been completed, two have been temporarily shut down to await the results obtained from others now drilling, and four are still in operation; the latter have all reached a depth of over 3,000 feet. The well at Hardstoft still continues to produce steadily at 50 (fifty) barrels per week, the total production to 27th November being 4,318 barrels or 557 tons. 500 tons of the crude oil at present in storage have recently been sold by public tender and realised £22 10s. per ton; this oil is now in course of removal for refining. It has been decided to let the well flow naturally pending a decision on future policy. A pumping test will, however, shortly be made. The points raised in the 6th and 7th parts of the ques- tion are now under consideration. No negotiations for leases are in progress. The Ministry of Munitions will cease to have responsibility for the operation at the end of the financial year.