HC Deb 03 December 1920 vol 135 cc1619-20W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture whether he is aware that there is a demand for allotments at Sea View, Isle of Wight; that the applicants include ex-service men; that out of some 200 houses in the district 135 are without gardens; and whether he will take steps with a view to the applications for allotments being met?


Yes, Sir; my attention was called to the unsatisfied demand for allotments at Sea View on the 29th November, and I have instructed the Ministry's district commissioner to inquire into the matter. When I receive his report I will communicate with my hon. Friend.


asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture whether he is aware that people in North Havant have been applying for allotments to the local landlord and the parish council for the past 11 years; that these applications have been unsuccessful; that on 6th January, 1920, the parish council referred the whole matter to the Hamp- shire county council; that the latter council on 11th November, 1920, stated that the matter was still under consideration; whether he can account for the great delay in meeting these applications; and whether he will take action with the Hampshire county council with a view to their putting into operation their statutory powers to provide land, compulsorily if necessary, for these applicants?


Immediate inquiry will be made into the position as regards the demand for allotments at North Havant, and I will communicate the result to my hon. Friend.


asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture whether he is aware of the dissatisfaction existing among allotment holders in the areas of the Cheshunt and Waltham Cross Urban District Councils in consequence of the foul state of watercourses adjoining the allotments and consequent flooding of the allotments; and whether he will take steps with a view to impressing upon these Councils and owners and occupiers of land adjoining the watercourses the necessity of having the ditches cleaned out and any other necessary steps taken?


The question of the flooding of these allotments formed the subject of a question put by my hon. Friend on the 21st May, 1919, and I am sending to him a copy of the reply I then gave. The Ministry has had no further representations on this subject since the date mentioned, but I will have inquiries made as to the present conditions and will communicate the result to him.