HC Deb 02 December 1920 vol 135 c1457W

asked the Minister of Pensions what steps are taken in the case of young men who overstated their age when joining up for the War, and who now desire training, to ensure that their correct ages are taken and not the military age; and what steps are taken to bring to the attention of young ex-service men the fact that under such circumstances their correct age will be accepted?


I have been asked to reply. Any young fit demobilised man who overstated his age when joining His Majesty's Forces, but now desires training, has only to produce a copy of his birth certificate in order to have his correct age accepted as evidence of his eligibility. The fact, I should have imagined, is known, because a number have been so trained. But I will prepare a paragraph upon the point and ask the Press if they will be so good as to publish it. I ought to add, however, that in the present state of trade depression the various Local Technical Advisory Committees are less ready than heretofore in agreeing to the admission of even disabled men to training.

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