HC Deb 11 August 1920 vol 133 c445W

asked the Postmaster-General whether an ex-soldier named A. E. Braiden, who has served his time in the Life Guards and in the telegraph division, is at present employed in the Southampton telegraph office as a temporary telegraphist; whether Mr. Braiden has asked to be considered for an established position and has been informed that he has no claim to appointment; whether a revision scheme is on foot which has for its, object the appointment of nine temporary women; and whether he will explain why, if nine appointments can be found for temporary women, it is not possible to give Mr. Braiden a permanent position, which he would appear to merit on account of his long service to the country?


A provision is under consideration under which it is proposed to increase the female staff at Southampton. The prospect of a vacancy on the male staff at Southampton being available for Mr. Braiden is doubtful, but it is proposed to offer him a permanent appointment at some other town.