HC Deb 11 August 1920 vol 133 cc436-7W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Scottish Board of Health why lower subsidies in proportion to floor space are granted in aid of housing in Scotland than in England; and whether, approximately, an expenditure of £1,000 in England entitles aid to the extent of £140, whereas in Scotland £1,200 must be expended in order to secure the same subsidy?


As a general rule, the apartments in the smaller Scottish houses have a larger floor area than in England, and the intention is to maintain this standard in the subsidised houses. The subsidy for a four-apartment house is £240, and the difference in cost as between England and Scotland is approximately, as suggested by my hon. and gallant Friend, £200. The question of discontinuing all minimum over-all area standards is under consideration by the Scottish Board of Health. If this course is taken, it will tend to minimise the difference referred to in the proportion of subsidy to cost.