HC Deb 09 August 1920 vol 133 c51W
Major GRAY

asked the Secretary of State for War whether any, and, if so, what opportunities for educational advancement are offered to British troops stationed at Tekrit, Mesopotamia; whether he is aware that men of the 2nd Battalion, Manchester Regiment, stationed at Tekrit, re-enlisted after service in France and Belgium, on the understanding that schemes of Army-education would be established, that nothing has been done in this direction, and consequently men in this remote station are suffering from lack of mental occupation?


At the present time educational training is being conducted in Mesopotamia under conditions of some difficulty. The Army Educational Corps is now being formed on a permanent basis and every unit will then have its permanent personnel which will doubtless put an end to such complaints. Meanwhile everything will be done to assist the General Officer Commanding in conducting this branch of training. I am making inquiries as to the situation in the unit mentioned and will let the hon. and gallant Member know the result in due course.