HC Deb 27 April 1920 vol 128 c1064W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies what are the numbers of Ceylonese and non-Ceylonese in the civil service of Ceylon; and what are the total salaries of each class?

Lieut.-Colonel AMERY

If the hon. Member refers to the civil service in its limited meaning as applied to those appointments usually filled through cadetships, the numbers in 1919 were 28 Ceylonese and 80 non-Ceylonese. The total salaries, so far as they can be calculated in this Office, are roughly £16,800 and £67,700 respectively. If the reference is to the public service as a whole, it will be understood that the vast proportion of the subordinate posts and many of the higher posts are filled by Ceylonese, and the precise figures of each class could not be' given without considerable research.