HC Deb 22 April 1920 vol 128 cc601-3W
Major GLYN

asked the Under- Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs how many consuls were serving in those territories previously comprised in the Russian, German, Austrian, and Turkish Empires in the years 1913–14 and 1919–20; how many of these consuls were of British nationality; whether any consuls now serving in those territories are of foreign nationality; and what steps, if any, are now being taken to instruct British ex-consuls previously holding posts in Russia to fit them to serve under the new conditions?


The following Table shows the number of salaried and unsalaried consular officers in the territories mentioned before the War. Salaried officers are invariably British subjects:—

Salaried. British Subjects. Foreigners
Russia… 13 15 19*
Austria-Hungary. 5 5 7*
Turkey 25 10 15*
Germany 9 11 25*
* Including Consular Agents.

The present position in the territories named is as follows:—

Russia.—At the present time there are no Consular officers in Russia proper, except for one at Sevastopol. In the Caucasus there are two salaried officers. The Consulate-General at Odessa has been reopened twice and has twice been closed on the evacuation of the city. Until recently there was a salaried officer at Novorossisk.

In Siberia there have been, until recently, several temporary salaried officers and the post of Consul at Vladivostok is filled by a salaried officer.

In the Baltic Provinces, temporary salaried officers and one officer of the permanent salaried service are being appointed to Riga, Reval, Kovno and Libau. An unsalaried officer, who is a British subject is being appointed to Memel.

Poland.—There is a salaried Consul at Warsaw, and an unsalaried British subject at Lemberg.

Dantzig.—There is a salaried consul with a salaried vice-consul.

Czecho-Slovakia.—Two salaried officers.

*Yugo-Slavia.—Two salaried officers.

*Roumania.—One salaried officer. There will shortly be two.

Finland.—There are two salaried officers and three unsalaried British subjects, and two unsalaried foreigners.

Turkey.—There are no consular officers at present.

Germany.—There are 12 salaried officers and no unsalaried.

It is not certain how many consular officers, who were serving in Russia before the War, will return there when relations are re-established with that country.

In any case, due consideration will be given in the selection of officers to the altered conditions in Russia.

* i.e., in those parts of the present Roumania and Yugo-Slavia which were formerly included in the Austro-Hungarian Empire.