HC Deb 20 April 1920 vol 128 c237W

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that many men who threw up their appointments overseas or were granted leave of absence to come to Europe to fight for the Mother Country have been compelled to return so as to take posts offered or to keep those conditionally kept open for them; whether, owing to the inability of the Government to arrange for them the free return passages to which, under official promise, they were entitled, they have been compelled to pay their own fares; whether the Government now refuses to make them the allowance of the free passage; and whether, as some of them are poor men, the authorities can see their way to act generously in the matter by recognising their liability?


Applications for refund of expenses by men who, although entitled to repatriation at the Government expense, make their own arrangements, are dealt with individually on their merits. Refunds are not, however, made to those who make no attempt to avail themselves of the facilities offered for obtaining free passages.