HC Deb 19 April 1920 vol 128 c61W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Munitions the names of the 35 purchasers of Mesopotamia river craft at the recent Government sale; the number and description of craft sold to each purchaser; whether for use on the Tigris and Euphrates rivers or not; and the actual date of sale or tenders being closed; the numbers and names of those who tendered in Mesopotamia and in India, respectively; the date on which the catalogues were available to intending Mesopotamian purchasers; by whom these catalogues were issued in Mesopotamia; and the number and description of craft still retained by the Government for the requirements of the civil and Military authorities?


These transactions were only carried through towards the end of last month, and my hon. and gallant Friend will appreciate that it is not possible at present to give the very detailed information asked for in the question. It is proposed to publish the essential details of these sales later.