HC Deb 29 October 1919 vol 120 cc724-5W

asked the Minister of Labour (1) whether his attention has been drawn to the case of Mr. James Kirkpatrick who, in August last, was summarily dismissed from the position of manager of the View Park Colliery, Uddington, Lanarkshire; whether he is aware that Mr. Kirkpatrick was dismissed after seven years' service without any reason being given; that his employers, Messrs. Addie and Sons, have refused to give any explanation or meet the representatives of the Mine Managers' Association to discuss the matter; and whether he can take action to secure the reinstatement of Mr. Kirkpatrick or ascertain the reason for his dismissal; (2) whether the attention of the Coal Controller has been drawn to the case of Mr. James Kirkpatrick who, in August last, was summarily dismissed from the position of manager of the View Park Colliery, Uddington, Lanarkshire; whether he is aware that Mr. Kirkpatrick was dismissed, after seven years' service, without any reason being given, and that his employers, Messrs. Addie and Sons, have refused to give any explanation or meet the representatives of the Mine Managers' Association to discuss the matter; and whether he can take action to secure the reinstatement of Mr. Kirkpatrick, or ascertain the reason for his dismissal?


I have been asked to reply. The answer to the first part of these questions is in the affirmative. The Scottish Colliery Managers' Association were informed that it was not practicable for the Coal Controller to intervene between employers and the agent appointed by them to carry out the management of their mines; that such intervention would not tend to smooth working in the industry, and would therefore be opposed to the national interest.