HC Deb 28 October 1919 vol 120 c500W

asked the Minister of' Health whether the international agreement respecting the creation of an international office of public health which was signed by this and other countries in 1909, and was for a period of seven years, has been, and, if so, when, renewed, and for what period; is there now in existence an international office of public health; and is it an active body, and where domiciled?


Article 8 of the International Convention of Rome, 9th December, 1907, which concluded an arrangement under which the Office International d'Hygiène Publique was to be maintained for seven years, also provided that at the expiration of the seven years the agreement was to continue in force for further seven-year periods between all those-States which have not given previous-notice of their intention to withdraw from the agreement. The number of countries adhering to the Convention has largely increased since 1907, and the British Government has given no notice of its withdrawal. The Office International d'Hygiène Publique during the War continued its monthly bulletins and other intelligence work on matters relating to international public health, and has now resumed its formal sessions, which are-attended by official delegates of the British Government, Canada, Australia, India, and Egypt. The second session of 1919 will be held next week at the headquarters of the Office, 195, Boulevard St. Germain, Paris.