HC Deb 27 October 1919 vol 120 cc314-6W

asked the President of the Board of Trade (1) whether his attention has been called to the arrival in Liverpool on the 18th instant of the steamship "Baltic" from New York with a cargo including the following manufactured goods: nine cases printing paper, seventy-nine cases knitting machinery, fifty-nine cases steam governors, six cases marine machinery, seven cases insulator bases, two boxes electric trucks, six cases machinery, four cases pills, twenty-four cases lamp burners, twelve cases brass can tops, twenty-four cases electric heaters, thirteen cases machinery, two cases shoe laces, two cases artificial limb parts, six packages clothing, fifty case-filing cabinets, fifty-six cases machinery and machine tools, 114 packages machinery seven boxes carpet sweepers, nine cases automobiles, thirty-five crates hand trucks. two cases sewing machines, two cases guns, eighty-six boxes tools, three cases plates, eleven cases dental goods, thirty four cases phonographs, 477 bundles magazines, 1,000 barrels soap, thirty-nine cases vacuum cleaners, and fifty-seven cases hardware; whether he has made any inquiries whether any of these goods can be manufactured within the British Isles at competitive prices; how many men would be employed upon so manufacturing these goods in the British Isles; and whether, in view of the effect of such importation of goods on the American exchange and consequently upon the cost of foodstuffs, it is his intention to protect British labour and British industry by imposing an import tax upon Loose goods;

(2) whether his attention has been called to the arrival in Goole on the 17th October of the ss. "Hodder," from Antwerp; whether he is aware that this cargo contained one case machinery, four cases window glass, ten cases flint glass, two cases worsted yarn, four bundles worsted yarn, and 195 bags glue; whether his attention has also been called to the arrival of the ss. "Fury" at Grimsby, from Antwerp, containing 302 packages yarn, 255 cases window glass, nineteen cases glass, one case glass bottle samples, 372 bundles iron bars, 323 cases woollen, three packages machinery, one case paper, two boxes shoes, one parcel artificial silk samples, two eases saris, three cases metal rings, and 1,313 packages basket ware; also the arrival of ss. "Nottingham," from Rotterdam, at Grimsby, On the same date, containing 156 bundles baskets, forty-six cases glass, one bundle mats, one package rubber tyres, seven packages cottons, 121 cases clocks, and one case hardware; whether he has information as to how many of these articles are of German origin; and what protection he proposes to give to the British manufacturers and to British labour against importation of German goods into this country at prices, owing to tire depreciation of the German mark, much lower than the cost of manufacturing them in this country;

(3) whether his attention has been called to the arrival of the ss. "Toza Mara" in Liverpool on the 18th October, a Japanese steamer, containing cargo from Tokio, Yokohama, Otartt, Kobé, Nagoya. Ozaka, Moji, Shanghai, Hankow. Colombo, Port Said, and Marseilles; [...] he is aware that this steamer [...] cargo containing fifty-eight cases [...] goods, eight cases copying paper, and eleven cases umbrella handles; whether be has made any inquiries whether any of these goods can be manufactured at competitive prices in the United Kingdom; whether, in view of the fact that this Japanese steamer brought cargo from ports in the British Empire to Liverpool, he will declare such voyage a coasting voyage and in that way assist British shipowners; and whether he is prepared to place an import tax on these manufactured goods coming from Japan in order to protect British labour from the sweated labour in that country;

(4) whether his attention has been called to the arrival at Hull on the 20th instant of the ss. "A. P. Bernstorff" from Copenhagen, containing one bundle paper, six cases separators, one case drills, forty-eight packages machinery, two cases band-saws, one case plough goods, one case machine parts, one case cheese cutters, and one motor car; whether his attention has been called to the arrival on the same date of the ss. "Vechistroom" from Amsterdam, containing ten cases cycle parts, one bundle cotton goods, two cases talking machines, and one case automobile parts; whether has attention has been called to the ss. "Whitby Abbey," arrived at Hull on the 17th instant from Rotterdam, containing two packages tyres, seven cases triple plates, one case crockery, one case iron bar, and ten boxes paper; whether his attention has been called to the arrival of ss. "Hero" from Antwerp, containing eleven cases boots, 201 cases glass, thirteen cases machinery, and one ease silk ribbons; whether any of these goods are of German origin; and whether, in view of the depreciation of the German mark, be is prepared to indicate what protection he is willing to give to the British manufacturer?


My attention had not especially been drawn to the various cargoes mentioned by my hon. Friend, which appear to consist almost entirely of goods the import of which is not subject to any restrictions. The general policy of His Majesty's Government was stated by the Prime Minister before the Recess and will be embodied in legislative proposals which will shortly be laid before the House.