HC Deb 27 November 1919 vol 121 cc1933-4W

asked the Home Secretary what is the number of mounted police in the Metropolitan Police Force at the present time; has the number been increased recently; do they receive the same or extra pay to the ordinary constables and officers; has the uniform for mounted men be-on changed; and for what reason?


The present establishment is:

  • 9 Inspectors
  • 18 Sergeants
  • 243 Constables.

The number has not been increased. On the contrary, owing to a careful re-organisation, a decrease of establishment has been found possible. Mounted men receive the same pay as ordinary con- stables and officers and, with the exception of four drill instructors, they have no extra duty pay. Their uniform has not been changed, but caps have been issued in addition to helmets, in compliance with the wish of the constables themselves,