HC Deb 26 November 1919 vol 121 c1835W

asked the Postmaster-General whether the Dundee Tramway and Carriage Hiring Company are contractors to his Department; whether the customary Fair-Wages Clause is inserted in their contracts; whether he has received representation from the National Transport Workers' Federation that this company is not observing trade union rates of wages or trade union standards of hours; and what action it is proposed to take in the matter?


The Dundee Tramway and Carriage Hiring Company provides for the conveyance of mails in Dundee under an agreement not embodied in a formal contract. On receipt of the representation to which the hon. Member refers inquiry was instituted as to the wages and conditions of employment of carters and carmen in Dundee, and when I am in a position to determine what wages and hours are proper for mail drivers, having regard to the local standards, I will, if necessary, communicate with the company.