HC Deb 24 November 1919 vol 121 c1453W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Agriculture if he can state the Government's policy with regard to tin; slaughtering of calves?


The Board, in conjunction with the Ministry of Food, are fully alive to the necessity of securing the meat and milk supply against the danger of abnormal slaughter of calves, and they have under constant consideration the steps that may be taken to secure this end. Information in possession of the Department shows that the slaughter of calves is not as widespread as is often suggested. It should be borne in mind that a large proportion of the calves slaughtered could not be reared with profit, and the Board are of the opinion that the difficulty cannot be solved by methods of control (which have proved far from satisfactory). Greater encouragement should be given to the breeding of animals that will pay for rearing, and with this object in view the Board propose to develop their live-stock scheme, which has already done a great deal to relieve the situation.