HC Deb 21 November 1919 vol 121 c1290W

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether he is aware that Staff-Sergeant W. Rollins, No. 6555, 2nd Battalion Loyal North Lancashire Regiment, died at Poona, India, on 17th December, 1918; whether this soldier executed a will; whether the accounts in respect of his estate have not yet been received from the Committee of Adjustment; what is the cause of the delay; and what action he proposes to take to effect a settlement?


As my hon, and gallant Friend was informed on the 18th instant, the accounts in this case have not yet been received from the Committee of Adjustment in India. Further information has since been received, and it appears that the delay is due to difficulty in realising the investments in Indian War Loan made by the deceased. A request has now been sent to India by telegraph for the will to be sent at once to the War Office.