HC Deb 20 November 1919 vol 121 c1171W

asked the Minister of Health whether it is any part of the housing policy of the Government to urge upon local authorities in congested areas the building of more houses; whether he is aware that the Bermondsey Housing Committee have arranged to build 325 houses in a district already over populated and densely covered with houses; and whether, seeing that such steps in such an area are contrary to any wise housing policy and will make all reforms in health, environment, and education more difficult, he will inform this authority without delay that he does not wish them to increase the number of houses in their area, but gradually to reduce the number, improve the remainder, clear the slums, provide more open space, and house their surplus population in outlying districts?


It is not the intention of the Government to add to the congestion of densely populated areas, and the considerations mentioned by the hon. Member will be borne in mind in the examination of the small schemes which I understand that the Borough of Bermondsey are proposing to submit. I am in full sympathy with the policy in regard to congested areas which is indicated in my hon. Friend's question.