HC Deb 18 November 1919 vol 121 cc395-6W

asked the Secretary for Scotland what progress has been made towards inaugurating a scheme for the erection of wooden houses in Glasgow to relieve the extreme shortage at present existing; whether he is sympathetically disposed to such a scheme; and whether the Local Government Board for Scotland is doing all it can to assist in the matter?


A scheme for the provision of 500 wooden houses was discussed between officials of the Scottish Board of Health and of the Glasgow Corporation on the 6th instant. On the following day the Board approved the purchase of sixty Army huts, which will be converted into 120 houses. These huts have been purchased and are now in course of erection with a view to occupation by the end of the year. It is proposed that the remaining 380 houses should be similarly provided. In the abnormal circumstances prevailing I am sympathetically disposed to a scheme on these lines as an emergency measure, and I am assured that the Board are doing all in their power to facilitate the expeditious erection of houses.