HC Deb 17 November 1919 vol 121 c644W

asked the Under-Secretary of State to the Air Ministry whether he is aware that the Civil Aviation Transport officers have far more responsibility than officers holding a corresponding rank in the Royal Air Force; and why the Royal Air Force officers of equivalent rank receive considerably higher pay, free medical attention, and qualify for pensions?


In reply to my hon. Friend's question, it is recognised that Civil Aviation Transport officers have considerable responsibility but not necessarily more than that of officers holding a corresponding rank in the Royal Air Force. Further than this, Civil Aviation Transport officers do not have the additional risk incurred in flying and have not executive command of a fighting or other Service unit. I may add that the rates of pay have been under revision, and revised rates on an increased scale have recently been sanctioned by the Treasury.


asked the Under-Secretary of State to the Air Ministry whether the Civil Aviation Transport officers' agreements are for six months only and terminable at one month's notice on either side?


The reply to my hon. Friend's question is that Civil Aviation Transport officers are appointed for six months, and that their agreements are terminable on three months' notice on either side thereafter.


asked the Under-Secretary of State to the Air Ministry whether it is laid down that only ex-pilots and ex-observers shall be eligible for appointments as Civil Aviation Transport officers?


While it is the general intention to appoint ex-pilots and ex-observers as Civil Aviation Transport officers, it is not intended that this ruling should be absolutely binding, as this might eliminate exceptionally suitable candidates who may not have had practical experience of flying.