HC Deb 17 November 1919 vol 121 cc659-60W

asked the Postmaster-General whether he will consider the question of the installation of a telephone in the Post Office at Plungar, near Bottesford, in Leicestershire, as the wire is already laid to within 650 yards of the Post Office, and only requires to be joined up?


I am having inquiry made in the matter, and will let the hon. and gallant Member know the result as soon as possible.


asked the Postmaster-General for what reason a new tenant, when taking over an existing telephone installation from a previous tenant without any alteration or cost to the telephone department, is required to pay a fine of £4; if he is aware that this charge is resented by telephone users; and whether it is his intention to continue the practice?


The reason for the surcharge on each new contract for an Exchange line is the fact that the annual rental and fees for telephone service under the current pre-war tariff are too low to cover the expenses in present con- ditions. I hope it will be possible to discontinue the surcharge when a new scheme of rates comes into operation.