HC Deb 11 November 1919 vol 121 cc257-8W
Colonel ASHLEY

asked the Minister of Health if he is aware that the position of clerk to the Crook Urban District Council, county Durham, became vacant in August last; whether seven ex-Service men applied for the post; whether of these one was a. certified auditor and chartered accountant, and the other a, solicitor's clerk of twelve years' standing, and studying to become a solicitor; whether the only civilian who applied for the position. was appointed, having failed to join, the Service during the late War, though of military age; whether this man already held and still holds the paid appointments of local food controller, and was till a few days ago local representative of the Ministry of Labour; and what steps he proposes to take to bring pressure to bear on this council to carry out the Government's policy of preference to ex-Service men?


I have been in communication with the council referred to, who made the appointment in question in the exercise of their discretion. I am informed by the council that eight applications, of which six were from ex-Service men, were received for the post, and that the successful candidate had had a long experience of the technical work requiring to be done. The council also state that all the other applicants have found employment in their pre-war occupations. While I have no power to give or withhold sanction to this and similar appointments, I have recently, in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour, issued to local authorities a circular, of which I will send the hon. and gallant Member a copy, urging that in filling vacancies on their staffs authorities should do their utmost to give preference to competent disabled ex-Service men, and that employment should also be given wherever possible to ex-Service men who are not disabled.