HC Deb 10 November 1919 vol 121 cc62-3W

asked the Secretary of State for War if he is aware that Private James Hurst, No. 77903, E Company, 19th Platoon, 1st Battalion, Manchester Regiment, Room 44, Salamanca Barracks, Aldershot, was not eighteen years of age when he enlisted on 1st August, 1919; that he only attained seventeen years of age on 28th December, 1918, and that a letter was sent to the War Office on behalf of the parents, and a reply received advising the parents to communicate with the headquarters. Preston, which they did, and sent his birth certificate with the letter, to which communication no reply has been received; is he aware that the father is in failing health, and there is also a mother along with a son aged twenty-two years, an imbecile, and a girl at school, Private Hurst being the main support of the home; and whether he will issue instructions for his early discharge from the Army, and also issue instructions that youths must not be enlisted unless they prove that they are eighteen years of age?


The discharge of a soldier under eighteen years of age who mis-states his age on enlistment is only sanctioned in certain circumstances and as a concession. As regards the last part of the hon. Member's question, instructions on the point are contained in Recruiting Regulations, and special instructions on the subject have been issued on two occasions recently. Every possible precaution is taken to avoid enlisting men under eighteen years of age, and I shall be happy to consider any suggestions for improving the system. The production of birth certificates by all recruits is impracticable. I am inquiring into the particular case mentioned, and will acquaint the hon. Member of the result as soon as possible.