HC Deb 10 November 1919 vol 121 cc80-2W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Shipping Controller if he will state the number and gross tonnage of all British vessels sold to foreign owners in each of the years 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, and 1919, and of the number and gross tonnage of such vessels sold by the British Government authorities to foreign owners during each of such years; if he will state the names and gross tonnages of British vessels still retained by the Shipping Controller, and of the numbers and gross tonnage of vessels now under construction for or contracted to be built for the Shipping Controller; the numbers and gross tonnage of vessels now under construction for foreigners in the United Kingdom or contracted to be built in the United Kingdom for foreigners, and of the number of licences granted by the British Government for the construction of vessels in the United Kingdom for foreigners; and the several Orders made or directions given by the Shipping Controller under Regulation 39bbb since the date of the Armistice in respect of ships, setting out the names of vessels, tonnages, ports, cargoes carried, and rates of freight, and the position of each vessel when such orders or directions were made or given; and if he will say whether, in respect of vessels now owned by the British Government or building or contracted to be built for them, such vessels will be sold by auction or private treaty to British buyers only?

The following statement is circulated in accordance with the answer printed in the OFFICIAL REPORT on Thursday, 14th August—

Colonel WILSON

(1) The following is a statement of the number and gross ton- nage of all British vessels transferred to foreign owners in the years 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, and 1919, including steamships and sailing ships of all sizes, but excluding vessels requisitioned during the War and

1915. 1916. 1917. 1918. 1919. (to Sept. incl.)
U.K. Register. 70– 191,588 38–30,259 38–33,440 28–24,190 153–457,461
Colonial Register 32–26,942 33–18,635 37–27,759 50–24,791 26–34,707
Total 102–218,530 71–48,894 75–61,199 78–48,981 179–492,168

(2) So far as is known, no such vessels were sold to foreign owners by the British Government authorities in the years 1915, 1916, and 1917, The number and tonnage of vesesls in respect of which the sale to foreign owners had been completed during 1918 and 1919 are as follows:

Date. No. Gross Tonnage.
1918 11 25,021
1919 100 400,515

In addition 72 vessels, of 298,536 gross tons, have been sold to foreigners, but are not yet handed over to their new owners.

(3) The names and gross tonnages of British vessels still retained by the Shipping Controller are:

Name. Gross Tonnage.
"Appleleaf" 5,891
"Brambleleaf" 5,912
"British Beacon" 6,891
"British Lantern" 6,897
"British Light 6,470
"British Star" 6,888
"Cherryleaf" 5,896
"Orangeleaf" 5,926
"Pearleaf" 5,911
"Plumleaf" 5,913
"Duchess of York" 302
"Delphinula" 5,238
"Nugula" 4,614
"War Bahadur" 5,565
"War Begum" 5,578
"War Divan" 5,543
"War Dogra" 5,559
"War Ghurka" 5,571
"War Hagara" 5,578
"War Kookri" 5,582
"War Mogul" 5,548
"War Nawab" 5,577
"War Nizam" 5,592
"War Pathan" 5,581
"War Pundit" 5,549
"War Rajah" 5,576
"War Sepoy" 5,557
"War Shikari" 5,540

The above-named are all oil-tankers on Admiralty service.

re-transferred to their original owners after the Armistice.

In this statement the date of transfer is that on which the British Register was closed.

There are also twenty-three wooden steamships in the possession of the Shipping Controller with a total gross tonnage of 53,452, all of which are in process of sale.

(4) The numbers and gross tonnages of vessels now under construction or contracted to be built for the Shipping Controller at home and abroad are:

No. Gross Tonnage (Approximate).
12 81,300

(5) On 16th October 229 vessels of approximately 961,655 tons gross were under construction or contracted to be built in the United Kingdom for foreigners, and licences for the construction of these vessels have been granted.