HC Deb 29 May 1919 vol 116 c1447W

asked the Secretary of State for War whether the Germans possess a list of British soldiers who were prisoners of war in Germany and whose names were not notified as prisoners to England; if the answer is in the affirmative, how many names are on the list; is the list being checked on behalf of England; and, if so, by how many persona and under whose direction?


As far as is known, the Germans have no such lists. All their records regarding prisoners of war are made on index-cards. It is understood that the number of these cards, owing to lack of system whereby one name sometimes appears on several cards, runs to several hundred thousands. These cards are being examined, but this must necessarily be a slow proceeding. As regards the last part of the question, I would refer my hon. and learned Friend to the reply to his next question.


asked the Secretary of State for War how many men hitherto recorded as missing are now discovered to have been prisoners in Germany at the time; who is employed on behalf of England in tracing the men now discovered to have been prisoners when they were thought to be missing; and with what staff such person is provided?


The examination of German records of prisoners of war has not so far disclosed the names of any men who were recorded at the War Office as merely missing and whose fate is still uncertain, but a few reports of death have been found in the case of men not previously known to have been prisoners of war. The exact number cannot be given until after a minute search, which will take a considerable time. The number, however, will, I understand, be very small. The staff available in Berlin for search of German records consists of an assistant adjutant-general and two other Staff officers, with a clerical staff of whom the exact proportion devoted to this particular work is not known. The head of the British Military Mission in Berlin has been asked if he requires further assistance.