HC Deb 29 May 1919 vol 116 cc1441-2W

asked the Secretary of State for War when it is intended to carry out the guarantee given by the War Office under the office Memorandum No. 769, of the 22nd August, 1914, to Percy Sandford Lewis when he joined the Army that his post as a Civil servant would be kept open until his return from military service, having then completed twenty years as a Civil servant, in view of the fact that Percy Sandford Lewis was placed on the Army Reserve in England on the 15th February, 1919, and that he is still awaiting a position in the architectural department of the Civil Service as promised; and whether, in view of his character during his period of service, he will say what objection there is to reinstating Percy Sandford Lewis, having regard to the Secretary of State for War's recommendation to all employers to reinstate their men as soon as possible on their return home?


As was explained to my hon. Friend in a letter sent to him on the 26th instant, it is unfortunately impossible to give a definite promise of re-instatement in the Government service to Mr. Lewis as this must depend on a suitable vacancy becoming available. His case is, however, being specially borne in mind in the event of a possible opportunity occurring for his reappointment under the War Department, and in addition he has been recommended to two other Government Departments for employment.