HC Deb 28 May 1919 vol 116 cc1249-50W

asked the Home Secretary whether he is in a position to state what has been the outcome of his representations to the North Riding justices as to the case in which a member of the Women's Roval Air Force was detained in police cells at Redcar for ninety hours owing to the failure to hear the case at Redcar; whether he is aware of the public demand for a separate Petty Sessional Division with a resident justices' clerk; whether he is aware of the objections to the taking of police cases outside the area in which the offence occurs; that as recently as 23rd May another Redcar case was taken to Loftus for trial, involving additional expense for witnesses, including the police engaged; and whether this falls upon the rates in any way or is defrayed by the officials responsible?


I forwarded the representation which I received from the Redcar Citizens' Association to the chairman of the justices, but I have not yet heard from him what action the justices propose to take, nor have any further complaints reached me. The question of the place or places for holding petty Sessional Courts is one to be decided by the justices after full consideration of all questions of local convenience and expense, and I cannot express any opinion on these details.

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