HC Deb 23 May 1919 vol 116 cc720-1W
Lieutenant-Colonel Lord HENRY CAVENDISH - BENTINCK

asked the Minister of Labour what were the special abilities and the special experience on the grounds of which Mr. Tyack has been appointed an Assistant Accountant-General at the Claims and Record Office, Kew; whether he is aware that the appointment is giving rise to strong feeling amongst the staff of the Ministry of Labour; and whether he was not able to find amongst the officials of the Ministry of Labour a suitable person to fill this post?


Mr. Tyack is specially qualified for the post in question by his experience with the Post Office Savings Bank and the National Health Insurance Commission and by the ability he there displayed in accounting work. I have received protests from certain sections of my staff against Mr. Tyack's appointment. As regards the last part of the question, I would refer the hon. Member to my previous answer of the 17th instant, in which I assured him that before Mr. Tyack was appointed the claims of other officers in the Ministry were carefully considered.