HC Deb 15 May 1919 vol 115 cc1777-8W

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is aware that, following his Budget proposals to raise the Beer Duty from 50s. to 70s. a barrel, the Government have decided to cease brewing 4d. beer for sale in their licensed premises in the Carlisle district, and to substitute for it a beer, stated to be of heavier specific gravity, which will cost the public 5d. per pint; and whether the example set by the Government is one they wish to see adopted by other brewers throughout the country?


The recent increase in the gravity of the bulk of the beer supplied at Carlisle has been made possible, not by the increase in the rate of duty, but by the increases in the permitted output and in the permitted average gravity which have recently been allowed by the Government. The change has been made in response to a strong local demand, but to what extent the same demand exists in other parts of the country I am not in a position to say.