HC Deb 14 May 1919 vol 115 cc1608-11W

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that Corporal H. D. Sexty, No. 14837, 16th Expeditionary Force, France, who joined the Army on 27th August, 1914, and served the full period of the Palestine Campaign, has not been demobilised, although application has been made for his release; and whether, in view of this record, and that he is the only son living at home and is willing to assist his father, who is farming 300 acres, he will take steps to secure the immediate release of this man who under the Army Regulation is eligible for demobilisation?

Captain GUEST

Corporal Sexty is not registered by the War Office either as pivotal or for special release. If his length of service is as stated by my hon. Friend, he is eligible for demobilisation unless he is serving under pre-war conditions of service and his term of Colour service is not completed. If he is eligible, he will be released as soon as circumstances permit.


asked the Secretary of State for War whether it is possible to grant the immediate release of Private E. A. Bushnell, No. 151,808, 603rd Mechanical Transport Company, Army Service Corps, Malta, having regard to the fact that he joined the Army in 1915, that he has been abroad for three years without leave, and that an application has twice been made by Messrs. Passey and Hall, Ross, Herefordshire, his former employers, for his demobilisation?

Captain GUEST

Private Bushnell is not registered either as pivotal or for special release, nor is there any trace of any application on his behalf having been received by the War Office. If he joined for continuous service prior to the 1st January, 1916, he is eligible for demobilisation, unless he is serving under pre-war conditions of service and his term of Colour service is not completed. If he is eligible he will be released as soon, as the exigencies of the Service permit.


asked the Secretary of State for War whether, seeing that Driver J. Daw, No. 219821, Royal Engineer Depot, Gaza Camp, Bangalore, India, who joined the Army in July, 1917, aged forty years, and who has had two brothers killed and has another brother still serving in Belgium, can be immediately released from the Army under the Regulation as to age?

Captain GUEST

Driver Daw is not registered by the War Office either as pivotal or for special release. If his age is as stated by my hon. Friend, he is eligible for demobilisation, unless he is serving under pre-war conditions of service and his term of Colour service is not completed. If he is eligible, he will be released as soon as the exigencies of the Service permit.


asked the Minister for Labour whether his attention has been called to the case of Private H. Nelson, No. 304529, Royal Army Medical Corps, Mechanical Transport; whether he is aware that Private Nelson was invalided home from Mesopotamia in December, 1918, after having been in hospital at Basra suffering from dysentery, and having previously been treated frequently for malaria at the Base Mechanical Transport Depot, Makma, and that he also underwent an operation on the eye; that Private Nelson's presence is urgently required in his father's business, Messrs. H. J. Nelson and Company, organ builders, Durham, as the business has suffered greatly during the past two years on account of Mr. H. J. Nelson's ill-health and his son's absence; that an application for Private Nelson's release was made by the firm and stamped by the Labour Exchange on 16th January, 1919, but that as he was then in hospital in England he was unable to hand the application to his commanding officer until February, who then informed him that it was no use then; and whether, since the delay was apparently due to the fact that Private Nelson was in hospital, he can now be released?


As the hon. and gallant Member has already been informed, this soldier has not been registered as a pivotal man; and I regret I am unable to move in the matter of his release. The question of his health and fitness for military service is one for the Army medical authorities.


asked the Minister of Labour whether his attention has been called to the case of Gunner F. A. Morgan, No. 49966, 203rd Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery, British Expeditionary Force; whether he is aware that this man joined the Army on 3rd November, 1914, that he has work awaiting him at the Elemore Colliery, county Durham, where he was employed before the War, and that he has a wife and five children dependent upon him; and whether, in view of the date of this man's enlistment, instructions may be given for his immediate release?


If this soldier joined the Army in November, 1914, he would appear to be eligible for demobilisation, and will no doubt be released in due course. I do not think there are any special circumstances in the case as stated which call for special treatment. My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for War has already announced the appointment of senior officers to inspect unit registers to ensure that no officer or soldier eligible for demobilisation is retained without good and sufficient cause.


asked the Minister of Labour whether his attention has been called to the fact that Private M. Downes, No. 52220, Royal Army Medical Corps, has not yet been released; and whether his release will be expedited?


The answer given to the hon. and gallant Member on 19th March still holds good. I regret that I see no special circumstances that would enable me to ask for this soldier to be given exceptional treatment. My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for War has already announced that senior officers have been appointed to inspect unit registers to ensure that no soldiers eligible for demobilisation are retained without good and sufficient cause.


asked the Minister of Labour whether his attention has been drawn to the case of Private G. W. Sparrow, No. 148237, 96th Siege Battery, Army Service Corps, Mechanical Transport, Royal Garrison Artillery, British Expeditionary Force, France; whether he is aware that Private Sparrow enlisted in 1915; that he has a building business at Hetton-le-Hole, county Durham, which has been closed for three years, but that papers have been signed on behalf of the men previously employed by him stating that if Private Sparrow can be released the men would be re-engaged; that they have all been discharged, though Private Sparrow has not; that the local advisory committee stamped the application for Private Sparrow's release, and it was then sent out to him and handed by him to his commanding officer, who told him he would attend to it, but that nothing further has been heard as to his demobilisation; and whether instructions may now be given for this man's immediate release?


The hon. and gallant Member had already drawn my attention to this case. As he was informed on 28th April, there is no record of this soldier having been registered as pivotal prior to 1st February. It would appear that the application endorsed by the local advisory committee was a contract offer of employment which secured his registration as a "slip" man, and entitles him to release only as soon as military conditions permit. I have, however, asked my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for War to cause inquiries to be made as to the possibility of his early release.

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