HC Deb 13 May 1919 vol 115 cc1461-3W

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that on a communication received from the War Office, dated 2nd January, it was stated that Private Richard Evans, No. 91892, 3rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers, 3rd room, M block, New Barracks, Limerick, was to be immediately demobilised on compassionate grounds; whether he is aware that this soldier is still retained in the Army notwithstanding the fact that he has a grandmother of seventy-three years of age who is suffering from heart disease, and two young brothers and a sister absolutely dependent upon him; and whether he will cause this soldier to be demobilised forthwith, and institute inquiries with a view to discovering who is responsible for this error?


Instructions were issued some time ago for Private Evan's release, but as this soldier re-enlisted for the after-war Army for a further four years, they were not carried out.


asked the Minister of Labour whether his attention has been called to the case of Corporal John Norman Curry, No. 25967, C Squadron, Composite Hussars, Mesopotamia; whether he is aware that this man enlisted in September, 1914, and was sent with a draft to Mesopotamia in September, 1916; that he is now at Baghdad awaiting his discharge in a concentration camp; that Corporal Curry has been once wounded, and had malaria in October last; that he is the main support of his widowed mother, who lost one son in the War; and that Mr. Lamb, of the Brewery, Hetton, county Durham, has applied for him as he wishes to employ him as an apprentice; and can his release be expedited?


My right hon. Friend has asked me to reply. Corporal Curry is not registered either as pivotal or for special release nor is there trace of any application on his behalf having been received by the War Office. I am also informed by my right hon. Friend the Minister of Labour that he is not so registered by his Department. If his length of service is as stated by my hon. and gallant Friend he is eligible for demobilisation unless he is serving under pre-war conditions of service, and his term of Colour service is not completed. If he is eligible, he will be released as soon as circumstances permit


asked the Secretary of State for War whether Private Allen T. S. Boyd, Royal Army Medical Corps, 102nd Field Ambulance, 34th Division, British Expeditionary Force, France, who has been in the Army since February, 1914, being a Territorial at that time, is eligible for demobilisation; and, if so, why cannot he be demobilised?


Private Boyd is not registered by the War Office either as pivotal or for special release. If his length of service is as stated by my hon. and gallant Friend he is eligible for demobilisation, unless he is serving under pre-war conditions of service and his term of Colour service is not completed. If he is eligible he will be released as soon as the exigencies of the Service permit. I would refer to the statement, already made in this House regarding the personnel of the Royal Army Medical Corps, who, though eligible for demobilisation, are liable to be temporarily retained as part of the military machinery for demobilisation. Men so retained are being released as soon as their services can be spared or they can be replaced.