HC Deb 12 May 1919 vol 115 cc1367-8W

asked the Secretary of State for War if Sub-setion (1) of Section 1of the Army Council Instruction (No. 287 of 1919), dated 2nd May, 1919, will apply in the case of a son whose father is a widower in necessitous circumstances, with two or more children depending on him, and no child capable of earning a living except that a daughter has to look after his house?


The instructions with regard to the release of men on com- passionate grounds were compiled after due and careful consideration of all the circumstances generally urged in support of such applications, and of the numbers that could be released upon such grounds. I regret that it is impossible in present circumstances to depart from the instructions already issued, and I would point out that it does not appear from the case referred to by my hon. Friend that the father is incapable of earning.