HC Deb 08 May 1919 vol 115 c1138W

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that Alfred Nicholson, late gunner in the Royal Garrison Artillery, who was employed as civil subordinate at Clarence Barracks, Portsmouth, and being an ex-soldier on the outbreak of war re-enlisted, a written guarantee, dated 27th September, 1914, being given to him that his appointment would be kept open for him until his return, was demobilised on 24th March, but although he has reported several times at Clarence Barracks and passed the doctor, has not yet been allowed to resume his original employment; and, if so, whether he will give instructions that Mr. Nicholson be at once allowed to resume his work?


In order to facilitate inquiries in this case, I should be obliged if my hon. and gallant Friend would kindly inform me in what capacity Nicholson was employed at Clarence Barracks.