HC Deb 05 May 1919 vol 115 c617W

asked the Secretary of State for War whether, with a view to mitigate the hardships involved in the present system of demobilisation, he is now prepared to announce that more lenient consideration shall be given to claims for demobilisation on business and also on domestic grounds?


Business grounds are taken into account in arriving at a decision upon applications for the release of soldiers, since in the case of men who are eligible for demobilisation, the fact that they have definite employment awaiting them or business of their own to which to return entitles them to priority over those who have no such employment or business. This, of course, only applies to soldiers who are eligible for demobilisation. I regret that it is not possible to extend demobilisation to men purely on business grounds, who are not eligible under current instructions. New Regulations with regard to the release of soldiers on compassionate grounds have now been issued, and I am sending my Noble and gallant Friend a copy.