HC Deb 01 May 1919 vol 115 cc354-5W

asked the Secretary of State for War (1) whether he is aware that when the district barrack officer, Aldershot Command, was communicated with in reference to the reinstatement of H. Mildrew as barrack labourer at Longmoor, he stated that in the absence of definite instructions from the War Office as to the policy to be followed with regard to the disposal of temporary employés, he was not prepared in the circumstances stated to discharge one man to make room for another; and whether he will issue the necessary instructions so that all men who have lost their positions in the barrack department through re-enlisting during the War may be reinstated on demobilisation;(2) whether he is aware that Henry W. Mildrew, late W.R. 255463, pioneer, 280th Railway Company, Royal Engineers, who at the outbreak of war was employed at Longmoor Campas barrack labourer sweep, voluntarily re-enlisted for the War and, previous to demobilisation, applied to be reinstated in his former position at Longmoor; whether he was informed by the officer commanding barracks, Borden, that he had no power to reinstate him; whether he is aware that H. Mildrew has served fifteen years with the Colours, been through two wars, and employed in Government service for twelve years, and that when he re-enlisted his post was filled and is now hold by a labourer who has never served in the Army and is now carrying on, in addition to his employment at the camp, a newspaper-selling business; and whether, seeing that Mildrew is a married man and has made his home at Borden for some years past, he can see his way to reinstate him in his former position?


The matter referred to in these questions has been referred to the Aldershot Command for a report as appointments of barrack labourers are made locally. I will let my hon. Friend know the result in due course.