HC Deb 24 March 1919 vol 114 cc73-4W

asked the Minister of Labour whether it is necessary for men claiming out-of-work benefit to sign daily at the nearest Labour Exchange whatever the distance from their homes; whether there is any difference in the rules as between married and single men; and whether, in view of the serious loss of time involved in tramping a long distance to and from the Exchange, he can make some arrangement whereby the men can sign at the nearest post office?


Under the normal rules daily signature is not required unless the applicant resides within two miles of the nearest Employment Exchange or Branch Employment Office. Signature on alternate days is required if the applicant lives between two and four miles away, and once a week if he lives between four and six miles away. Personal attendance is dispensed with altogether (except on the original application for donation) if the applicant lives more than six miles away. These rules may be relaxed in special circumstances—as for example, in the case of disabled members of His Majesty's Forces. There is no difference in the rules as between married and single men. I am afraid that the suggestion at the end of the question is impracticable.


asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware that 948,620 men and women were receiving on 28th February out-of-work donation; whether he is aware that 166,257 were demobilised members of the forces; whether the Gov- ernment contemplates any action with the view of providing remunerative employment; and, if so, in what direction?


The facts are as stated in the question. I hope that private employers will do everything in their power to re-establish and extend their work upon a peace basis, and that public authorities will put in hand necessary works with the least possible delay. I believe that by these means the volume of remunerative employment available will be increased. As at present advised, the Government do not propose to put work in hand solely with a view to providing employment for unemployed people.