HC Deb 20 March 1919 vol 113 c2266W
Colonel THORNE

asked the Secretary of State for War if he is aware that about 3,000 Chinese are working at the Calais Docks; that thousands of pounds worth of cargo has been lost in consequence of these Chinese being engaged;, that the Harbour Controller from headquarters suggested that a battalion of. 1,000 men should guard them; that if the 3,000 Chinese were dispensed with the work could be more efficiently done by the 1,000 men if a trade union rate ofwages was paid; and that not only would large cargoes be saved against theft, but also, if 1,000 men were employed at trade union rate of wages, there would be 1,000 less to be paid the unemployment grant?


There are now only about 1,300 Chinese working at Calais Docks. Pilfering in Calais Docks is known to have been occurring, but there are other offenders beside the Chinese. I have no knowledge of the suggestions contained in the latter part of my hon. and gallant Friend's question, and at the present stage the proposed changes do not appear to be called for.