HC Deb 19 March 1919 vol 113 c2109W
Colonel ASHLEY

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that ex-Air Mechanic P. A. Hanly, No. 81021, applied for a refund of passage money from Chili to London on 2nd October, 1918, and was informed that Ms claim had been forwarded to the Assistant Financial Secretary, Air Ministry, for his approval and payment on 7th January last; that since that date repeated applications to the Assistant Financial Secretary, to the Claims Department, Air Ministry, and to the regimental paymaster, Central Pay Offices, Working, have had no result, none of his applications being acknowledged; and what action he proposes to take in the matter?

Major-General SEELY

Mr. Hanly's claim to a refund presents some features of difficulty, and has been under active consideration both at the War Office and at the Air Ministry; it is hoped that a decision upon the question of principle raised will be reached shortly, and a further communication will then be addressed to the hon. and gallant Member.