HC Deb 18 March 1919 vol 113 c1931W

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that discontent exists among the men attached to the Third Army Signals Headquarters owing to delay in demobilisation; whether he is aware that out of, approximately, fifty operators seven are not employed on operating duties but are attached to a concert party, are doing clerical work, or are employed in the cook house; whether of these fifty men six are married men over forty-two years of age; whether the men in question have been informed that they have been listed for machinery of demobilisation, and that in consequence their return to home duties at the Post Office is not likely to be brought about for a considerable time; whether concert party and cookhouse work warrants their retention in view of the shortage of skilled telegraphists in the telegraph service; and whether, in view of the published statement that men over thirty-seven years of age are to be released, the return of these men can now be arranged?


I am not aware of this, but will make inquiries and inform the hon. Member of the result as soon as possible.