HC Deb 17 March 1919 vol 113 c1743W



asked the Food Controller whether, with the consent of His Majesty's Government, large contracts have been placed for American cocoa butter at 2s. 3d. per 1b. in London, whereas the British manufacturer is precluded from obtaining more than 1s. 6d. for his butter, produced by British labour in this country, the quality in both cases being equal; whether, as a result of the American manufacturer being allowed to obtain a higher price for his butter in this country than the British manufacturer, the former is enabled to dispose of and sell the twin product, namely cocoa powder, at a price which entirely excludes English competition from all European markets and is he aware that, if the British manufacturer is excluded from the European markets, this will compel reduction in output and consequent unemployment, apart from the loss of Foreign markets to the British manufacturer?


Owing to the shortage of home-produced cocoa butter the restrictions on its importation have recently been removed, and it is possible that some contracts for the purchase of this article have been placed in the United States of America, although I am not aware of the prices paid. A general licence is, however, being issued, with effect from to-day, which authorises the sale of cocoa butter, whether home produced or imported, free from all restrictions, as to price or otherwise, imposed by the Cocoa Butter (Provisional Prices) Order, 1918, and the Cocoa Butter (Requisition) Order, 1918.