HC Deb 14 March 1919 vol 113 c1614W

asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware that the Irish branch of the Ministry of Labour received information at the Law Courts, Dublin, that certain legal positions were available in the Dublin Courts for demobilised barristers or solicitors who had served in the War, and that an assistant registrarship in the King's Bench Division, Probate Court,was one of these legal positions; if that position has recently been filled; what is the name of the person appointed; whether he is of military age and has served in the War; and whether, in all future legal appointments, preference will be given to those officers or men with legal qualifications who have served in the War?


I have been asked to reply to the question. I find that the vacancy in the position of Assistant Registrar was notified to the Appointments Department, who instructed several candidates to apply. The Department were afterwards informed that the vacancy had been filled. I understand that it was filled, with approval of the Lord Chancellor and of the Lord Chief Justice, by the appointment of Mr. Edward H. Kenny, a practisingbarrister of over twenty-one years standing, who had for some time been Assize Registrar. Mr. Kenny was born in 1874 and did not serve in the War. The appointment was made by Mr. Justice Kenny, the judge assigned by the Lord Lieutenant for the disposal of probate and matrimonial business in Ireland.

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