HC Deb 12 March 1919 vol 113 cc1297-8W

asked the Secretary to the Admiralty if he has received urgent representations for the release of Seaman W. J. Langston, G. 74572, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, 40 Mess, His Majesty's Ship "Queen Elizabeth"; and whether, in view of the fact that he is a pivotal man and that his release is urgently asked for by the district agricultural committee, he will give the matter his favourable consideration?


This man's name has not been received by the Admiralty as a pivotal man. If there are any special circumstances regarding him, and my hon. friend will communicate them in writing, the question of his release will be dealt with.


asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that Private D. Stewart, 1st Battalion Seaforth Highlanders, has lost his only two brothers in the War; and, under these circumstances, will he order his immediate demobilisation, or, failing this, will he explain the reasons which have induced the War Office to suspend the compassionate rule governing these cases under which the survivor of three brothers at the War should be exempted from further active service?


Before the signing of the Armistice it was the practice in cases where two or more sons had been killed to withdraw the surviving sons from the firing line and keep them on home service, but since the Armistice was signed the necessity for doing so is not the same. All applications for release on compassionate grounds are considered on their merits. If my hon. Friend will furnish me with Private Stewart's regimental number and the Expeditionary Force in which he is serving and also a statement by my hon. Friend, or by a magistrate, or a minister of religion vouching for the facts, the case will be considered.

Colonel THORNE

asked the Secretary of State for War if he is aware that Driver J. Jones, No. 32511, 98th Battery, 1st Brigade, Salonika Forces, has been on active service since 29th September, 1915, has had no leave since going on active service, and has now been drafted to Russia; if he is aware that Driver Jones joined the Army 2nd October, 1914; if he is aware that Messrs. Marshall and Sons, engineers, Gainsborough, Lincoln, have applied twice for him without effect; and if he intends taking any action so that all such men should be demobilised?


If the facts are as stated by my hon. and gallant Friend, Driver Jones would appear to be eligible for demobilisation, and will no doubt be released in due course. Certain troops, including, no doubt, some who have served since 1914, have been sent in the last three months from Salonika to Transcaucasia to carry out the terms of the Armistice with Turkey. Those who are eligible for demobilisation will be brought home as soon as possible. Driver Jones is not registered by the War Office either as pivotal or for special release.