HC Deb 10 March 1919 vol 113 c938W

asked the Minister of Labour if he is aware of the difficulties that small householders have in obtaining any domestic help; if he would consider the advisability of establishing hostels in different centres where girls could be provided with good food, comfortable rooms, and smart uniforms, undertaking to work at so much per hour as might be agreed on; and if the establishment of such hostels could be paid for by the sums not paid for unemployment benefit?


I am aware that difficulty is being experienced by many small householders in obtaining domestic help. I understand that the matter has been examined by a Committee appointed by the Ministry of Reconstruction and that their Report will be available in the course of a few days. I will then consider whether it is possible to adopt the suggestion made by my hon. Friend, but he will understand that the expense involved could not be met out of moneys provided by Parliament for unemployed benefit or out-of-work donation.