HC Deb 06 March 1919 vol 113 cc651-2W

asked the President of the Local Government Board (1) if he will indicate the steps proposed to be taken by his Department in reference to the very serious flooding which took place last month on the west side of the River Lea, particularly in the urban districts of Edmonton and Tottenham, which resulted in hundreds of workmen's dwellings and many public thoroughfares being flooded to a depth of over 3 feet; and whether he will suggest to the Middlesex County Council the desirability of taking immediate steps for the straightening and deepening of Pymmes Brook, with a view to minimising future troubles in these flooded regions, pending the execution of a complete scheme for the relief of the whole of the Lea Valley watershed;

(2) Whether he is aware that large tracts of inhabited and cultivated lands are flooded periodically in thickly populous districts in the Lea Valley watershed through the failure of the River Lea and its trubutaries to carry off the surplus rainfall, resulting in much misery and suffering and loss of property and health; and if he will consider the advisability of appointing a flooded lands commission, comprising representatives from the four counties injuriously affected, with a view to the necessary reports, surveys, estimates, and detailed sections being made and the level of the River Lea brought under complete control in the affected areas and further flooding and hardships prevented?


I am aware of the flooding which took place on the west side of the Lea Valley last month, and I am arranging to have the matter investigated by one of the Board's engineering inspectors.